NEW SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANTS To apply for a NEW Scholarship, please read the below instructions carefully, the NEW SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION LINK IS BELOW.
FREF Scholarship Application process for 2024-2025 closed January 31. Please come back in September when we open the 2025-2026 Scholarship Process.

It is impossible to estimate the contribution a great teacher makes to our nation, to society, and to the students taught during a lifetime of devoted service to the teaching profession. Unfortunately, there exists, and always has existed, a severe shortage of great teachers. The Florida Retired Educators Foundation (FREF) has established a fund to assist the many young people who are interested in teaching, but unable to fulfill this goal without financial assistance.
Once Online Application is started, it cannot be saved. If you exit, you will have to start all over.
Info needed to fill out application fully:
- Family Income
- Community Service Information
- Leadership Info
- 2 References with full contact info
- Completed Application - online only, button below, cannot be printed and handwritten
- Single page typed essay
- Recommendation Letters
- Official transcript – Barring unforeseen circumstances, all transcripts should include grades from Semester 1 of the senior year. If the school needs to send transcripts to FREA directly, that is acceptable. Our address is below.
- ACT and/or SAT scores - In the event the ACT/SAT scores are not printed on the transcript, a student applying for this scholarship must supply these scores. They may be mailed to the address below.
- Submit your application by January 20. All transcripts and supporting paperwork, not available to be uploaded with application, must reach the FREA Office by January 31.
- Questions? or 727-577-6400
ALL above information must be received by the FREA Office before being submitted to local FREA Units for the next step, which is an in-person interview.